Perhaps you're feeling down and out.
Disgruntled with a bland reality.
Well then accept this little mission,
from the House of TLT.
Your mission is an easy one.
It will surely set you apart.
Simply make like Barbarella,
and shoot straight from the heart.
The truth might hurt.
The truth might set you free.
Let's try this social experiment,
let's see what happens, shall we?
Jump right in, sport a hearty grin,
and demonstrate some gump.
Say what you mean, mean what you say,
and ease out of your slump.
Tell your boss you'd like a pay rise.
You're worth it - show them why!
Tell someone that you love them
And be sure to look them in the eye.
Set your phaser gun to maximum,
and aim for the heavenly stars.
The saying goes *you may well miss,
but hey, you could wind up on Jupiter or Mars.
Go have a crack, then hurry back!
I'm waiting for your safe return.
And remember this, to find your bliss,
you must invest to get return.
And that's a fact.
Go get 'em people!
Pew! Pew!
Loving you, loving me...TLT x
* The saying does go differently however The House of TLT has altered it (for the better as far as we can tell) in the name of creative license and poetic justice. WORD.
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