Monday, 26 November 2012

Is it really all in the timing?

According to sources who knew him, Frank Sinatra had an instinctive grasp of timing. No rehearsal, straight out on stage, the audience eating out of his hand. Magic.

There's no doubt Frank was gifted both vocally and rhythmically yet his mission was crystal clear as a performer and individual. To be his best, give them a show and to make the crowd love him. He knew exactly what he wanted.

Much like Frank, life has a knack of revealing things when the time is right. Resistance to this - futile. An understanding of what you want - essential.

So before leaving your fate to the Gods, get your priorities straight. Have a plan, vision, story board, mind map...whatever floats your boat - just get it out and know it to be true for you and you only. Then go about embracing your days and opportunities with relentless vigour in the meantime. The results will literally astound you.

And if ever you feel a little overwhelmed, things seem to be moving slowly or the timing's just not right, then tap your toes and remember this little pearler from Ol' Blue eyes...

"The fundamental things apply, as time goes by."

Loving you, loving me...TLT x 


Thursday, 22 November 2012

How do I keep my coat so shiny?

It's said unless you're a food brand, people on social media don't care about what you're eating. If that's true, why are people continually posting pics of their dinner and more importantly - asking how I keep my coat so shiny?

I can't ignore the masses any longer, so here it is...

Hulk smoothie, breakfast of champions

100g natural thick yoghurt with live cultures
1/2 cup milk (your choice of organic dairy, soy, rice, almond, coconut) - I use coconut water instead of milk
1 teaspoon honey
1 handful baby spinach leaves
1 banana
1 teaspoon ground flaxseed (linseed) or whole chia seed
½ cup ice

Combine the yoghurt, milk, honey, spinach, banana, flaxseed and ice into a blender.
Blend until smooth, green and creamy.
Serve immediately and enjoy.

This recipe is from

Loving you, loving me...TLT x

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Wise women say...

"There's only one very good life and that's the life you want and you make it yourself."
- Diana Vreeland

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Tough Love Tamvakis-ism #06

It's important to keep it real and regularly remind myself of the facts.

I'm may not be a miracle worker, but I am a magic maker.

And guess what, so are you.

Believe it.

Loving you, loving me...TLT x