Thursday, 30 August 2012

Hey Spring...

...what's up girlfriend?
I'm eagerly awaiting your arrival. So eagerly in fact, I've coloured my hair pink in your honour.
Let's bloom baby!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Wise men say...


50 Shades of Ayurveda

After a couple of years of chronic back pain, I've just had a breakthrough. 

It's a very exciting time considering I can't remember the last time I didn't wake up in pain. No reprieve for extended periods of time and undergoing more tests than I care to recall without diagnosis or recommendation other than seeing more doctors and having more tests...I'd be lying if I said it wasn't testing my will. 

I’ve tried many things is an attempt to relieve and manage the pain. Traditional, Eastern, Western, Physio, Cranio Sacral, Chiro, remedial massage, meditation, intoxication, rhythm nation. Nada, nothing, zilch. 

I’ve recently taken up with a Holistic Practitioner who specialises in Ayurveda. At my first consultation she took my pulse and pinpointed (among other things) the exact vertebrae in which I have degeneration. Wowzas.  I just walked in off the street - how does she know these things about me? Ninety minutes later I was whisked out the door with a bag full of potions and a treatment schedule. Here we go again. 

Herbs, dietary changes, Pindaswed and Kati Basti treatments, acupuncture – I committed myself wholeheartedly to the cause of pain liberation. And it’s a great thing because my dedication combined with the care I am receiving from these wonderful practitioners has me on the path to improved health and well being and for that I am truly grateful. 

Now back to the breakthrough...

During my third in a series of eight Kati Basti sessions, my wellness goddess starts gently poking about my lower back and declared in tones of 50 Shades of Ayurveda -

“Ooh, I've never been able to get my fingers in there before!”

“I think we've hit the magic button.”

“Something has released.”

“Hmmm, you're very flexible aren't you? Super flexible in fact.”  She conceded with certainty.

“Well it's time to forget about being super flexible. It's time to get strong. “

Aaaaand I may as well have been whacked in the back of the head with a Le Creuset casserole dish.

Yes! I have been super flexible all my life - physically, emotionally, spiritually and more often than not, put the thoughts and feelings of others ahead of my own. Alright wellness goddess, I see your point and I rise to the challenge to create necessary change.

So here goes - I’m going to serve myself faithfully and first in order to have the energy and capacity to assist others. It’s not about ego. I liken it to aircraft oxygen masks. When things gets pressurised and altitude climbs beyond a safe level, I’ll fit my own mask before helping others so we all have a better chance of making it through. Then, take a deep breath and let it go. Just let it go.

Give up the bend to gain the strength. That’s my kind of pain relief.
Loving you, loving me...TLT x

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Wise women say...

"I look at my three little grandchildren, my sister's grandchildren, and I think how we've harmed this planet since I was their age and I just feel - I don't know what I feel. Angry, desperate.

At any rate, there's a saying that you hear very often - 'We haven't inherited this world from our parents, we've borrowed it from our children.'

We haven't borrowed anything from our children.When you borrow you expect to be paid back. We've stolen, we're still stealing, and we've got to do something about it."

- Dr Jane Goodall

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Au contraire? Don't mind if I do...

In October 2011 I quit my job. I was working for a respected publisher with colleagues and clients I liked and respected while earning great remuneration. A role that I was good at and for the most part, thoroughly enjoyed.

Most folks didn't understand. They still don't.

Comments like 'I don't understand her motive', 'She must have something lined up - why else would you leave a job with nothing to go to?' and 'So many people are being made redundant, it's probably not the best time to just give up her job!' started circulating. In fact, one woman told me 'she feared for me' when I told her I was moving on. A little extreme I thought, however I should clarify that it may have something to do with the fact that (hand on heart) I did not have a single clue about what I was going to do next. I simply knew it was time to go.

I can appreciate how many would view this as bat shit crazy but people, there are some things that only the individual understands. Like Julia Roberts with Lyle Lovett or combining ice cream and salted potato chips - people have their reasons for making the decisions they make and it's not for anyone else to tell them it ain't right. 

Needless to say things have worked out well. Phew. I've got an enjoyable part time gig to pay the bills and I have more time to spend on the thing I deem of paramount importance for me. Say it with me now...James Brown style.

UH! Ahh! Ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba...Cre-a-ti-vi-ty. Owww!

Hooray for more time to write stories, listen to other's stories, take photos, play, give thanks, move my body, spend time with people I know and care about, meet new people, visualise and realise my very own little production. Hooray indeed.

And I'll tell you something else. It's fascinating to me how when one becomes creative in one aspect of life, the doors open to applying the thinking to other unexpected aspects. For me, this now includes the (dreary or I'll leave that for later) subject of finances.

Today I met with my go-to guy when it comes to financial advice. He's a good egg. When it comes to finances, he's got the moves, I've got the motion. And you guessed it, now that we're together we'll be causing a personal economic commotion. BOOM.

I'm seeing him because A) now that I'm earning less, it's a perfect time to get creative with my money and B) I don't want to wind up like so many people I know who have worked their entire lives and have nothing to show for it. Or worse, reach retirement and are in debt. Ouch. And the thing is, it's not uncommon. I listened, eyes wide and mouth agasp at the tale of the fellow who has for the past 10 years earned $300,000 per annum (that's $3miiiilllllion dollars people) and is currently carrying a $40,000 credit card debt and does not own basic shelter. No judgement but sheesh, that ain't for me.

So, we (me and the egg) are formulating a plan to help me do just that - create financial freedom so I may to continue my creative journey and roam the corners of the earth, collaborating with other creative individuals, positively impacting others and this planet and living a life extraordinary.

Today's discussions revolved around risk and the share market. He rattled off a series of questions to gain insight and establish if I am an aggressive risk taker in order to gain the highest return or more conservative in my thinking when it comes to the mighty dollar. FYI - I err on the side of 'balls out - let's get this show on the road'.

With that out of the way and my money personality a little clearer, we discussed some investment strategy. He threw some hypotheticals at me such as 'if you had this much and share prices dropped meaning you'd be down that much - how would you handle it?'  
I'll be honest, he almost lost me at this point (I told you, it can get dreary for me so I have a small window of concentration for these matters) but then he hit me with some insight into contrarian thinking. Have you heard of this? It's when one acts upon things in a fearless manner when all around them are being fearful. This jolted me back.

As I waved him farewell and started the car, it dawned on me that I have applied a contrarian approach to my life. I've taken what is deemed by many as crazy action in times of uncertainty and global financial disarray. I've backed myself with no goal or purpose other than to write, to live truthfully and to be a positively driven power source. I've been fearless when all around me have been fearful. And I can tell you this - it's been one of the best times of my life.

Sure there are times I am doubtful and yes, I have to work hard at reminding myself that my ego is not the boss of me. In fact, i've realised that no one and no thing is the boss of me. And it feels good.

And for those who worried or thought I'd lost my way, take a look at these words from J.R.R Tolkien and know them to be true...for me anyway.

Loving you, loving me...TLT x

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Smoke and Mirrors

I have a fascination with images of women smoking cigarettes.

Now before you get your knickers in a twist, I'm not proposing anyone take it up. I merely see beauty in these women and images.

I hope you enjoy them too.

Loving you, loving me...TLT x
I see beauty, pride and strength.

The bunger - oops, candle burned out long before the legend ever did.

We had it all...just like Bogie and Bacall.

Tres glamorous. And that hair...magnifique!

Anyone got a light?

Astounding Audrey.

Sumptuous Sofia.

Breathtaking Bridget.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

RIP Anna Piaggi

THE doyenne of eccentric style.

Rich, Happy & Hot?

That sounds great to me!

My new virtual friend and business school teacher Marie Forleo, informs me her goal is simple: to deliver the most impactful business-building + life-shifting strategies ever encountered, in one powerful weekend.

Rich Happy & Hot™ LIVE is a 2.5 day annual event in NYC that brings together 250+ women entrepreneurs from every corner of the globe to share ideas, gain skills, and stay on the cutting edge of small business growth.

That’s what I’m talking about virtual friend...

Ok Marie. I’m in an Empire State of Mind - count me in!

I'm deeply grateful and super excited to be doing this. It takes me one step closer to living my dream to add more value to my life through encouraging and empowering others to enhance their own.
Brace yourself NYC –TLT is going to be in-the-house.

Sing it with me. Let's hear it...

Loving you, loving me...TLT x

Friday, 3 August 2012

Wise men say...

"Spock, you are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is: which path will you choose? This is something only you can decide."

Thank you ancient practice of Yoga for reminding me of the treasured truth that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this very moment. Battle armour off (it was chaffing anyways) and time to share the love.

Choo choooo! Here comes the Tough Love train...All aboard!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

It's getting hectic. Battle armour and new strategy required. Today I channel my inner Stormtrooper and reestablish authority in my Galactic empire. Yes. It will be so.